Power exchange EPEX
The daily trading exchange is called EPEX SPOT (previously APX), which stands for European Power Exchange. The long-term exchange is called ICE ENDEX, which stands for European Energy Derivatives Exchange. On average, the energy on the ICE ENDEX is 10%-20% more expensive than on the EPEX SPOT exchange and therefore EPEX is often more attractive for energy suppliers.
EPEX SPOT has been operating as an independent trading platform since 1999 (then called APX) and is used as a spot market for electricity. Customers (distributors, producers, traders and industrial bulk consumers) have to inform the national grid operator how much energy they want to buy. Energy trading can be done either through Day-Ahead trading or Intraday trading. Day-Ahead trading takes place one day before delivery. The customers give their orders and then supply and demand are analyzed and prices are established for the next day. These prices and volumes can be found on the EPEX spot website. Intraday trading takes place on the same day as the delivery.
EPEX price
The energy market is an incredibly complex and complicated market. PVNED helps with energy buying and selling, forecasting daily energy needs and avoiding imbalance costs. In addition, with PVNED you benefit from access to the EPEX trading market. By purchasing your energy directly from the EPEX SPOT market, you can purchase your energy at a lower price than the long-term exchange (ENDEX). On the EPEX SPOT website you can view daily prices and trading volumes.
The best price for your energy
PVNED has the expertise required to get you the best price for your energy. We as an authorized balance responsible party (BRP) facilitate energy procurement on the EPEX SPOT market, based on the demand of our customers. We try to match the demand and supply of energy among our customers as closely as possible to the expected energy consumption. The goal here is to balance the supply and demand of electricity and gas at any time of the day, so that we can avoid imbalance costs.
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